5 Important Factors to Note Before Safari.


You should Take care of these 5 things Before your Safari Vacation.

Making plans for any form of safari journey isn't as easy as it sounds.

Most times the preparation can be daunting. Sometimes, it can even be complicating and overwhelming. This is because, there are a lot of safari related activities out there, and if care is not taken, you might be engaging in activities that are outside the context of your need. 

The truth is, safari isn't just about hunting as some think. It is more than that. Sometimes it could just be tour, vacation for honeymoon, research work or commonly for hunting. To meet your safari goals without going out of the context of your needs, here are 5 Tips to carefully consider prior your journey.

1. Be activity Specific.

You are not going into the wood to do just anything that comes your way. There are a lot of activities that are available in the woods, and if do not carefully define the activity of your interest, you will end up being unsatisfied at the end of the day.

In the woods, you are provided with tropical beaches, expanding deserts, great mountains, attractive waterfalls and wonderful wildlives.

So, it is there necessary to determine what you want prior the journey. This is so important because, a careful selection of activity determines your journey location, timing, and what you go with. It is the activity that determines every other preparation.

2. Choice of accommodation .

Not just every lodge will facilitate or support your activity. For instance, if your safari journey is for wildlive, choosing lodges like Kruger park, Sabi sand will be a wise one.

This factor is so important because we wouldn't want you to choose a lodge that makes the reach of your activity a difficult one.

3. Be Season Specific.

You might know where to go to, but knowing when to visit is very much important. You won't like to visit when you can't get what you want.

To visit any place for safari, sit back and familiarize yourself with season and time when this things are easily accessed. For instance, we have carefully observed that the best season to visit the Okavango Delta in flood is between May and August.

4. Know what you have in your Backpack.

It is always frustrating running out of anything during safari. Safari journey is totally away from home.

It is therefore Paramount to have all you need in your bag. Safari that is strictly for hunting, things like: A fitting boot, good binocular, mosquitor repellant etc should be in place.

5. How to Embark.

When your accommodation has been well ascertained, the next thing is to verify your means of getting there. Most lodges provide both land transport services and air services which you can choose the one that is more suitable for you.


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