Do you know these Sure Spots to target a Deer?


These 3 major spots, won't fail you.

Are you wondering on how to shoot an animal, and get such targeted animal down. Getting an animal down with just a single shot, should not sound impossible. As a matter of fact, it is very possible.

A professional hunter won't just want to waste his riffle. He therefore wishes to shoot at the right spot that will live the animal dead.

It is also every hunters dream to shoot and kill his target animal.

Getting an animal down especially the white tail deer , requires shooting on the right spot. 

Here, we shall focus on the white tail deer.  The whitetail deer is a big game, and as such does not die so easily by you shooting at  just any spot. Your shooting should be strategic and well planned when  you are dealing with a deer.

When the right spot is in view, you won't be far from a kill. Just as single bullet can kill a man, it can do much more to a deer.

By now, we should know that it is not always about right riffle but the right spot to target.

A good question then should be: Where do I shoot a whitetail deer?

Without wasting much time, we should be looking at the most proven spots to shoot and get a whitetail deer down.

1. The Brain.

The brain is a prime part to target in a deer. This is because, the brain is the centre of life. Therefore anything that shatters the brain, automatically shatters the whole life. Just like in human, anything that affects the brain, affects the functionality of other various parts. The

Same thing is applicable in animals like the deer. A shot on the brain shatters every organ of the animal even the movement and consequently leading to death.

Note: Targeting the brain requires high precision and professionalism. This is because a slight mistake might result hitting the jaw of the deer. The result of this is not just that the deer won't die instantly, but have difficulty in feeding resulting to a slow painful death.

Any one hunting a deer, should do so with high precision.

2. Around The Heart Region.

The heart is another good spot to target. Knowing fully well that the heart is the centre of circulatory system and anything affecting the heart obviously affects the entire life of a deer.

It should also be noted that the lungs which is responsible for respiration is found around the heart region. So, a good target on the heart, damages the vital blood vessels leading to severe blood loss. And like the saying goes " the life of the flesh is in the blood ". So when the deer bleeds continuously, it dies.

3. The Neck.

Shooting the neck region is neither major nor minor. But a good shot on the major part of the neck disconnects the brain from the heart. And when this happens, the deer dies instantly.

It is necessary to shoot a good part of the neck that guarantees the death of the deer.

Note : Targeting the neck region of a deer might not be easy. It requires High precision and careful target. This is because if one targets a minor region of the neck, the hunter might just be inflicting a minor injury on the animal. The best part is targeting the centre of the neck.


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