Best hunting Strategy: Bowhunting.

 Best hunting Strategy: Bowhunting.

List of Animals that are Best Hunted with a Bowstring.

Do you know that the best hunting Strategy, isn't with a gun(riffles), but with a Bowstring.

Yes! Your bow can do a lot more during hunting than your guns.

Hunting with a  gun  is actually good, but it's great to hunt with a bowstring especially when you want to hunt these animals we have here on our list.

But before we introduce you to the list of bow-hunted animals, let's share a little piece of information with you about Bowhunting.

Bowhunting is practically a way of hunting that involves the use of your bow and arrows of good equipment for hunting games, be it small or big games.

Before the introduction of guns and rifles for hunting, bowstring hunting was already in existence. In other words, bow-hunting is a more natural and traditional way to hunt games.

As you continue to read this article, you will be exposed to:

  • What experts and hunters said about Bowhunting.

  • Animals that are best hunted with a bow.

  • Reasons Bowhunting is preferred over gun hunting.

Following conversations with hunters, and surveys carried out by hunters from different regions of the world, a lot of them have come to the conclusion that Bowhunting should be preferred over gun hunting.

From our simple surveys and research, we have been able to deduce that bowhunting is far more better than gun hunting . 

Why Bowhunting is Preferred over Gun Hunting.

Here, are some reasons bow hunting is preferred over gun hunting:

Bowhunting season is longer and more plentiful.

It has been revealed that bowhunting has a longer season than gun hunting.

Hunters and experts like John lilja affirmed to this, and this is what he said,

" In Minnesota, deer hunting season is several months long if you hunt with a bow, while the gun season is only two weekends.

" I would rather have the bow if the deer was my only game for hunt."

The, a national survey revealed that 24 percent of those who claimed they hunt with a bow cited the lengthy of its season as their top reason, and 11percent said it was because bow season had an earliest start.

Bow usage modifies hunting Skills

An expert named Michael Bertsch has this to say,

"A bow and arrow is preferable to a gun when the shooter wants some good exercise while satisfying the urge to improve his target-directed motor skills".

A survey directed towards the same opinion above, reveals that, 58 percent response from hunters, stated that the main reason a bow is preferred over a gun was the challenge bow hunting  provides.

Knowing well that a bow is a short- range hunting tool, perfect for a distance range of not more than 27 to 28m, and trying to maintain balance while making a perfect target can be daunting.

When this is accurately done, the feeling of fulfilment can be overwhelming. When this is practiced on a regular basis, your hunting skill gets improved the more.

It is more like a Silent Killer.

Usage of bow for hunting it terms of silence is better. Because, even the silent guns make their own sounds.

When a bow is in use, a clean and silent kill is guaranteed. 

An arrow launched from a bow has little or no sound at all combined with its form that matches with nature, promoting a silent clean kill without having to scare and chase animals away with noise.

It is hunting the traditional way.

Bow hunting dates back to 11,000Bp. Humans made arrowheads  out of wood and practiced archery for hunting both small and big game. 

Bow hunting is very traditional, and it is more like hunting the natural way. 

For those who love to retain the world old method, Bowhunting is the way.

The usefulness of Bowstring cannot be overemphasized. 

To this end, we have listed animals that are best hunted with a bow:


The deer is the most commonly bow-hunted animal all over the world.

The best time to go hunt a deer is around 1am to 2am, or better still go in the evening since the animals are in their peak during this period.

The best recommendable bows for deer hunt,  are: crossbows, compound bows, and recurve bows.

Usage of any of the listed bows, guarantees a clean kill.

Using longer bows are better as they enhance your target accuracy. 

For a successful hunt, ensure that your arrows are well sharpened to make an instant kill once launched.

While launching your arrow, be conscious of targeting the brain or heart.

A target on the brain disrupts its movement, and other vital organs consequently resulting death.

While targeting the heart will result to blood loss that will lead to death.


The moose is another animal you can hunt right with a bow. But it is important that your bow for moose hunting should at least weigh about 50-60 pounds. 

Your arrow should be launched with speed so that it penetrates more Instantly, and a kill is secured.

The best season for moose hunting is  autumn.  

For your choice of arrow, we highly recommend Gold tip arrows.

During moose hunting, ensure you pack all the necessary things you need including enough arrows, and a hunting partner. You can't moose- hunt alone. 

Moose can be found in every part of the world except Antarctica, sub-saharan Africa, and Australia.

This ruminant can live in a wide variety of habitat including forests, grasslands, and the sundra.


This carnivorous mammal of the family Ursidae, can be hunted with a bow. Whether you are hunting with a lightweight bow or a heavyweight bow, what matters so well is your distance from the carnivore.

Do not be too far. A far distance can affect the speed at which your arrow will penetrate or worse result to a  missed target.

You are also advised not to get too close so that you don't chase the beer away.

The perfect dead spot is the shoulder and chest area.

If  a clean kill is your priority, then target the shoulder or chest of the beer.

Where you can hunt: At the Eastern Siberia, Shanta islands, and Magadan.


The Elk is one game that bow hunting fits. It is more preferable to hunt with a compound bow.

The truth is, Elk hunting is difficult compared to other game hunting. This is due to its huge and muscular frame.

It is therefore left for you as a great Hunter, to carefully select quality bow equipment for your hunt.

Gathering from bow hunters experiences, the best quality bow equipments perfect for Elk hunting includes: 

  • Diamond Archery Edge Sb-1

  • Beer ArcheryBR 33

  • Diamond infinite Edge pro, etc.

Elks can be found in  Northern Africa, Asia, and North America.

5. Big -horn sheep.

Big- horn sheep bow hunting can sometimes be daunting, but the stress is worth it, as the feeling of fulfilment after a successful kill, will outweigh the stress.

The use of good bow hunting equipment should be in use( you can choose from the already mentioned bow tools.)

The perfect kill spots include, the chest region, or more precisely, the heart.


This game, also called the reindeer. It is one of the species of deer. 

The caribou runs at the speed of 60 to 80km/h. Interestingly, it is not a difficult game to hunt when the bow is in use.

There are different species of this animal. Ranging from, Mountain caribou, barren ground caribou, central Canada, Québec Labrador, and the woodland caribou.

The most common hunted of these species, Is the woodland caribou. 

The best place and only place to hunt the woodland, is in Newfoundland.

Small games that can actually be hunted with a bow are: pheasants, armadillos, aquirrell, ring-tailed cat, etc.

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