7 " Must Need" For your Hiking Adventure.

 So many people do not know that hiking and safari adventure are quite related. Hiking and safari go hand in hand. For clarity sake, we shall explain hiking in its simplest form; Hiking is a long streneous walk,  usually on trails or footpaths in the country side which you might cover a long distance by foot.

This activity could come in the form of hillwalking, bushwalking or mere walking on a plain ground for a long period of time.

Hiking is an inevitable experience for jungle lovers and much more for safari tourists. This is because, even if you are just embarking on mere safari adventure, there are areas that you can't access by vehicles . This areas actually require you to walk or hike for a very long distance .

Hiking can be fun and interesting because, it allows you have a closer Interaction with the beautiful things of nature.

The purpose of this article is'nt just to tell you how  hiking and safari are related, but to tell you the things you must have with you for your hiking adventure to be fun filled, smooth, and less stressful.

Hiking requires a lot of things in your back packs, but here in this article, we selected seven of them that you must need.


This Simply talks about the things you will wear on your body as clothing. Any kind of clothing is'nt recommended . For hiking, we advice you go with a breathable wicking materials. In fact, breathable wicking materials are the best for shirts.

While choosing color of material for your hiking clothing, we solely recommend choosing lighter colors that won't conduct heat. We are sure you already know how hot the jungle can be sometimes. A light material becomes the best option for hiking.

2.Hiking Boots.

Not every kind of boot out there is qualified to go with for hiking. Go for boots that have traction so as to prevent slipping which might result to injury or death.

Your hiking boots should as well be tough and rough in order to withstand the rough nature of the jungle. For your jungle hiking, your goal isn't to go for something fancy, but something really tough to suit the nature of the jungle.

3. Gloves.

Some people who hike in areas that are really cold and icy, will tell how important gloves are during hiking.

Gloves play important role during hiking because it protects you from blisters, abrasions, cold, hot objects, and insects. When you are hiking especially in cold regions, It is better to go for gloves that are thick to keep your hand warm as you hike.

4.Sun Hat.

People who hike where it is habitually hot, will need this one. Your choice of sun hat should be able to protect you from the scourging sun. It should feel comfortable to the touch, quick drying and abrasion resistant.

5.Rain clothing.

You don't need anyone to remind you that it can actually rain. So for this, you need a water resistant down and hybrids that combine synthetic insulation and water resistant.

Your rain cloth or coat, should be one that won't let rain enter your body. Perfect raincoats are like waterproof materials that won't let rain get into them.

6.Snow- ice-cold clothing.

This one is totally different from the normal hiking clothes or raincoats. It is commonly in use by high altitude hikers who usually encounter freezing conditions. Even in summer, there are also freezing glaciers and snowfields. To conquer such, you really need an ice- cold clothing.

7. Shelter.

Everyone needs shelter. Hikers need shelter as well. Detachable shelters are more common with hikers. You can as well call it "moblie shelter" as they are meant to be carried about.

The known detachable shelters are usually made from tarpaulin, ground sheet, rope, poles, or trees, with a mosquito net. Rain poncho can be used as an overhead tarp.


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