5 Endangered Species You Should Know.


Most Wildlives Here, are listed Endangered by the IUCN.

Africa is famous for its natural attractions and game reserves. If you are very familiar with Africa, you will know that a lot of game reserves and natural tourist attractions are in existence.

It is a common knowledge that, game reserves are packed with beautiful games for our pleasure and economic uses when processed.

It is unfortunate that some wildlives, are endangered and consequently going into extinction.

Wildlives, are said to be endangered, when the species of such animals have a higher possibility of going into extinction. This could be as a result of having a few of them left, or when there habitat becomes unfavorable for them, making it difficult for them to survive there.

In Africa today, a lot of species has been listed endangered by hunters, tourists, and IUCN.

Let's look at five different species that are endangered, and soon will go extinct.

1.Mountain Gorillas.

Mountain Gorillas is one of the endangerd species. This specie is one of the two subspecies of the Eastern Gorillas. The IUCN listed this one as an endangerd specie as at 2018.

They are the descendants of ancestral monkeys and apes commonly found in Africa and Arabia. The mountain Gorillas are characterized by a fur, often thicker and longer than that of other Gorilla species. Their fur enables them to dwell in colder temperatures. 

A male mountain Gorilla weighs about 195kg(430lb), with an upright standing height of about 150cm(59in). The male mountain Gorillas weighs as twice as the females. That means that the female weighs 100kg(220lb) and a height of 130cm(51in).

Mountain Gorillas posseses a bony crest on the top and back of their skulls, giving their heads a more conical shape. The bony crest is more profound in males than females. These crests anchor the powerful tempotalis muscles, which is attached to their lower jaw.

Where to see:Bwindi Impenetrable national park.

2.Ethiopian Wolf

The Ethiopian wolf, also called the Simien Jackal or Simien Fox, is a canid native to the Ethiopian highlands. This animal is characterized by its long and narrow skull, red and white fur.

This canid is declared one of the most rare canid in the world. It is also declared Africa's most endangered carnivores. It was listed by the IUCN as an endangered specie.

This rare specie is characterized by its strength to leap so high  that you might be tempted to think that they posseses wings, but they don't.

Where to find them: Bale Mountains, Ethiopian Africa.

3. African Wilddog

The African Wilddog, also referred to as painted wolf, or cape hunting dog, is a canine native to sub-saharan Africa. It is recorded to be the largest canine in Africa.

This Wilddog is redlisted by the IUCN as an endangered specie since 1990.

Some of the places you can spot this one, includes;

  • Selous Game reserve, Tanzania.

  • Moremi Game reserve, Botswana.

  • South Luangwa National park, Zambia.

  • Madikwe Game reserve.


The chimpanzee, also known as the common chimpanzee, or simply called chimp, is on the list of endangered species. It is of the species of the great app native to the forest and savannah of tropical Africa. 

It is characterized by its body covered in coarse black hair, but has a bare face, fingers,toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It weighs 40-70kg(88-154lb) for males and 27-50kg(60-110lb) for females and standing 100 to 150cm(3ft 3in to 4ft 11in).

The gestation period of this specie is eight months. The infant chimpanzee is weaned at about 3years old. The chimpanzee is also on the IUCN list as endangered specie.

The chimpanzee can be spotted in the following places;

  • Kibale National Park, kanyanchu.

  • Budongo Forest reserve, Kaniyo pabidi.

  • Queen Elizabeth National park, kyambura Gorge.

  • Mahale mountains National park.

  • Ngungwe National park.

  • Rwanda,. Burundi and DR congo.

5.Javan Rhinoceros.

This specie of Rhinoceros is also called sunda Rhinoceros or rarely called one horned Rhinoceros. It is characterized by an armour-like skin, 3.1-3.2m(10ft) in length, 1.4-1.7m(4.6-5.6ft) in height, horn is about 25cm and is smaller than those of other rhino species.

It is only the adult male that posseses horn. This one is not a specie in Africa. Its specie ranges from the islands of java and Sumatra, throughout SouthEast Asia, into India and China.

The Javan is critically endangered, with only one known population in the wild. There is a possibility that this animal is the most scarce mammal on earth.

To spot this animal, go to the ujung kulon National park.


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