The best 5 powerful insect repellent.


These five(5) are typical for Safari.

If you have already filled your backpacks with everything you need for Safari, ranging from boots, binoculars, riffles, clothes or jackets, etc, and you are still wondering what is left.

Here, is one is one inevitable thing you must carry along with you. It is an insect repellent. An insect repellent is needed prior and during every form of safari journey.

A repellent saves you a lot of discomfort that insects in the wood might cost, which obviously you wouldn't want that to happen. 

It will be so disheartening to know that the reason you lost target or shot of the big game in sight was because of a bug that was revolving around you. It's actually a sad story. To avoid that, Simply go along with an insect repellent or bug spray.

This does not just save you discomfort, it saves you from a lot of sicknesses that arises from insect bites and stings. Sicknesses like malaria, Lyme disease,dengue fever are prevented when this is in use.

some form of discomfort and sicknesses ranging from malaria, Lyme disease, dengue fever etc.


The best way to use an insect repellent is to apply on the skin, cloth or any surface around you in a mild quantity to scare bugs and insects away.

You and I know very well that the wood is the home for insects and you will never fail to encounter them. So, to conquer them, you need a powerful repellent to ensure maximum concentration during your safari adventure.

Now that you know how important it is to go with a good bug spray, you might be worried about which one to go with as there are a lot of them in the market. Worry no more, because here we shall mention 5 well known, powerful, and effective ones you can choose from.

This five(5) following consumers feedback, has been announced to be the best for both past, present and interestingly, the future.

Here are five of the best:

1. Deef Wood Dry insect Repellent VIII

This one has always been the best of all. The repellent was 2018 best, and also in the topmost list for the 2019 powerful repellents. This repellent stresslesly kills mosquitoes, ticks, bitting flies, chiggers and gnats.

Due to the powerful nature of this product, we highly recommend it. All you need is a mild spray on the cloth Or skin.

2. Repel plant-based lemon Eucalyptus.

This wonderful product is strong, powerful and reliable. Unlike some other repellents, it comes with good scent , making more friendly and mild for anyone to use. Though, spraying lavishly is discouraged.

This is just more than a repellent. It chases every form of bugs that you might encounter in the wood.

The repel plant is one of the best repellents for the year 2019.

3. Ben's 30% Deet insect repellent spray.

Not underestimating this one, this is a powerful insect repellent. It contains 30% deet, making it powerful for it to repel any insect at all. Due to the deet content, it is advisable that you apply mildly.

This product is highly recommended and trusted. It's available in Amazon and has a 4.5% rating in Amazon.

With Ben's 30% deet spray, you are sure to be free from Insects and woodbugs.

4. Coleman 25% deet dry formula.

The product just like the Ben's 30% repellent is also good and reliable.

This insect repellent is powerful and works wonders in eliminating insects and chasing them far away from you while in the woods and even at home. This product is also available with Amazon.

5. Total HomeTM Woodland Scent insect Repellent.

The total hometm woodland scent repellent is one good repellent that can be used during hunting. This repellent can be applied on the skin, cloth or any surface. It prevents insects from coming closer. This one is available in Amazon.

It is very affordable and can be used anywhere both at home and in the woods.


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