Do you know these 5 Facts about Hunting?

 5 interesting Facts You do not know about hunting.

Do you know that hunting is not what you think it is?. It is actually more than that. Mayber after reading this post, your perspection about hunting will change.

If you decide to carry out an interview on the average population on hunting, you will discover people with entirely different opinions and views about hunting.

Some are of the opinion that hunting is a risky job, some think hunting is actually for the poor, others believe no one can make full time living from hunting.

On the other hand, so many believe it is a job for the illiterate populace. The sad part is that some think it destroys the environment and endangers wildlives.

I know that your opinion must have fallen in one of those listed above. Whichever one it is, we are here to actually expose you and possibly change your perspection about hunting.

Here are 5 amazing things that should make you have a rethink about hunting.

1. Promotes social integration.

Hunting is one good way to bind people together especially rural communities. Some rural communities attatch cultural value to hunting. During this hunting period, hunters from different communities come together and this attitude promotes love, peace, and unity.

2. Economic Benefit.

You should already know by now  that Monopoly isn't the best way to promote the economy of a country. Any country that actively engage in hunting, will have less stress on the economy of the country.


Hunting is a branch in agricultural sector that promotes the economy of the country , communities, and individuals who are involved in the activity.

Take for instance, America. Studies reveals that the annual spending by America's 14million hunters amounts to $22.1 billion. Relatively, if ranked and if hypothetically ranked as "corporation", that revenue figure would put hunting in thirty-fifth place on the fortune 500 list of Americas largest businesses.

When times are good, people spend money and 14million of those people, or roughly one of every fifteen Americans age 16 or and older, choose to spend a great deal of that money on hunting.

3. Health Benefit.

Hunters are simply people in motion. Exercise is a lifestyle for hunters and this simply promotes the health and wellbeing of every hunter.

Walking alone reduces heart disease and this is to the advantage of every hunter and they tour from one place to another by foot. Most of the riffles carried by hunters weigh about 12.5 pounds, and this is a good one for relaxing the muscle. Due to the alertness required, hunting in its own way increases mental discipline.

4. Good nutritional Provision .

Hunting alone has been a good source of food for the nation. Trophy hunting provides a lot of meat like the venison well packed with protein which is in high demand all over the world.

Proteinous foods are in high demand due to its nutritional significance and the roles it plays in human body.

We won't fall to tell you that the best way to improve the food basket of the nation, is to promote hunting.

5. It promotes wildlife conservation.

The best way to conserve wildlives, is to engage hunters who will hunt those dangerous games that might want to eliminate the young animals .

It might interest you to know that we kill those adult carnivorous animals just to preserve the young ones. 

It is noteworthy that without hunting, animals that are highly of economic importance, will go into extinct.

To preserve the young animals, hunting is therefore inevitable.


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